Hurricane Francine- Update #4 FINAL
September 11, 2024 19:00 CST
Shell Gulf Coast
(ISSUED at 19:00 CST) Shell continues to actively monitor Hurricane Francine as it makes landfall. Production at our Perdido, Auger, and Enchilada/Salsa assets is still shut in. Drilling remains paused at our Whale asset, scheduled to begin operations later this year. As conditions improve offshore, we will re-assess these assets.
There are currently no other impacts to our production across the Gulf of Mexico.
Meanwhile, limited personnel reported to work today at our Geismar, Convent and Norco facilities in Louisiana in preparation for landfall.
As conditions improve, we will provide further updates.
Our Deer Park chemicals site in Texas continues to operate normally.
As always, the safety of our people, the environment and our assets are Shell’s top priority.
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