Energy From Deep Water

Shell is a top deep-water oil and gas producer in the Gulf of Mexico. Our focus is always on safe, responsible and innovative deep water operations.

Shell Energy

Shell Energy offers a comprehensive suite of tailored products and solutions, including rapidly growing capacity, trading and technical expertise and smart energy solutions, serving customers across the commercial and industrial sectors.

Shell WindEnergy

Wind energy can produce more and cleaner renewable power, helping Shell and our customers meet sustainability goals and accelerate the transformation of the US energy system. 


Sketch: A US net-zero CO₂ energy system by 2050

Sketch: A US net-zero CO₂ energy system by 2050

The Shell Scenarios team has outlined a possible pathway for the US to achieve a net-zero CO2 emissions energy system by 2050.

Read the full article

More inside energy and innovation

The energy future

How will the world produce more, cleaner energy to power our homes and cities, and fuel our vehicles in decades to come?

Entrepreneurs and Start-ups

Do you have a great idea or innovative technology? We look for creative people, companies and organisations to partner with.

Natural gas

We are helping to power lives around the world with natural gas, the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon.

What is RNG?

Renewable natural gas (RNG) is a low-to negative-carbon natural gas produced from a number of sources including livestock waste, landfills, wastewater sludge, food waste and other organic waste operations.