Before taking any online interview during the application process, whether it be the On-Demand Video Interview or the Live Virtual Session, it is important to ensure that both your desktop/mobile device and your internet speed meet minimum requirements. Please refer to the following guide to ensure an optimal experience.


General requirements

These requirements apply to all users of the system:

  1. Internet connection
  2. Operating system – Windows 7+ or OS X 10.9+
  3. Browser – Chrome (latest), Firefox (latest), Internet Explorer 11+, or Safari 9+
  4. Adobe Flash Player version 11.6 or higher (unless using Chrome)
  5. Machine processor – minimum 1 GHz (2.0 GHz recommended)
  6. RAM – 1GB RAM minimum
  7. Functional microphone and speakers
  8. Take the assessment in Google Chrome
  9. Recommended bandwidth should be 350 kb/s, minimum available bandwidth should be 100 kb/s

Note: HireVue ended support for Internet Explorer 10 on December 7th

Mobile for On-Demand Interview

iOS minimum version supported 9+

Android minimum version supported 4.1+

For taking the Hirevue assessment  on a tablet or your mobile phone, please download the Hirevue app from Google Play store for Android  devices and the iTunes store for the i-OS devices.

Screen sharing for on-demand

To complete an interview that includes screen sharing questions the candidate will need to use the latest Chrome PC browser, and install the HireVue Screen Sharing extension. The candidate will be automatically prompted to do so when they join the interview.

On-demand requirements

Candidates completing interviews on demand (one-way) fall under the same general technical requirements. For additional info on the bandwidth and video see below.

Interview type Direction Minimum Recommended Data usage Avg framerate Resolution
One-way web UP 100 kb/s 350 kb/s 3.75MB/min 24-30 480p (VGA)
One-way Android UP 100 kb/s 350 kb/s 6.5MB/min 24-30 480p (VGA)
One-way iOS UP 100 kb/s 350 kb/s 15MB/min 24-30 720p
One-way web w/ screen sharing UP 100 kb/s 350 kb/s 3.75MB/min 5 Candidate’s screen resolution

Live virtual session

Live interviews have more stringent requirements. Customers not interested in live interviews can safely ignore this section.

HireVue uses WebRTC for conducting live interviews. WebRTC is a modern solution that provides excellent audio and video quality, lower latency, improved echo cancellation and a best-in-class experience.

At this time Microsoft Edge is not a supported browser for Live Interviews. Edge does not allow browser plugins and the Edge video implementation currently does not support WebRTC.


Headsets are recommended for all live interviews. They reduce echo and provide increased levels of clarity.


Proxies may be necessary in some networks but introduce latency which can degrade live interviews. The HireVue solution is designed to work through most proxies, but quality may be lower.

For some companies (particularly larger enterprise) it may be necessary to ‘whitelist’ servers for live interviews to resolve issues with proxies. HireVue will give out information about our media servers, and a technical contact inside of your company (for example, someone from network IT) will make it so HireVue traffic bypasses the proxy.

Mobile for Live Interview

For taking the Hirevue assessment on a tablet or your mobile phone, please download the Hirevue app from Google Play store for Android devices and the iTunes store for the i-OS devices.

Live interviews are supported on mobile devices (see minimum requirements in the general requirements section). Additional requirements for mobile users:

  • For iOS devices, at least 1 GB of memory is required

Additional recommendations for mobile users:

  • Prefer a wireless network over a cellular network
  • Plug the mobile device in (prevents battery from running out mid-interview)
  • Have a place to set the device to provide a stable image free of shaking


WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to-browser applications for voice calling and video chat. WebRTC has native support in Chrome and Firefox. All other browsers need to download a plug-in to utilize the technology, though most have work in progress to incorporate this technology natively.

HireVue plug-in

Chrome and Firefox have WebRTC built-in, but other browsers require a plug-in to utilize WebRTC. HireVue provides and maintains a plug-in for all supported browsers and operating systems (see list under general requirements).

The default plugin installer is a per-user MSI. Some customers have been impacted by a group policy element they have configured on their desktops. The policy forbids users from installing/uninstalling per-user MSIs. To get around this HireVue provides an installer using NSIS that still installs the plugin in a per-user directory and registers it for that user. There is an account setting that can be enabled to determine which installer we offer when the plugin is missing or out of date.

For organizations that would like to pre-install the plug-in across the organization, HireVue can provide an MSI installer (per-machine or per-user) to their IT team. Because HireVue needs to inform the organization when there is an update, this requires an internal contact inside the company to be maintained.

Plugins can be downloaded for testing at the following locations:

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