by Shell

There are two processes that can help you reduce the total cost of ownership in mining. The first is to use the most appropriate lubricant solution for each type of equipment; the second is to practice effective lubricant management.

An international industry study commissioned by Shell Lubricants showed that 60% of mining companies recognise that effective lubricant selection and/or management can help reduce costs. However, fewer than 10% of the businesses in the study understood that the potential savings can be six times greater than the expected average1

In today’s mining environment, cost reduction is key. Customers are increasingly relying on their equipment to simply work harder. Vehicles are running for longer periods at a time, with heavier loads, against steeper inclines. All to drive the maximum productivity for the business.

In the short term, pushing machinery harder can boost productivity, but long term, the impact on equipment life, ODIs, and the risk of unplanned downtime can create real problems for mining operations. As maintenance expenditure increases, any benefit in the short term has not only been lost, but thoroughly reversed.

Shell’s expertise lies in developing quality, dependable lubricants and the management of lubrication in order to create real solutions for mining companies. By enabling machines to work harder, without contributing to greater harm and wear of components, customers can drive productivity in the long term, keeping maintenance costs under control.

“Shell’s experts have enabled customers worldwide to save $43m through better lubrication between 2011 and 2015.”

Shell has one of the world’s largest teams of technical lubricants experts for mining. This 260-strong team of Shell Lubricants technical specialists is also supported by distributor partners and provide a suite of lubrication management services across various industries. Their expertise usually stems from years working for a mining company or OEM.

Our experts combine a thorough understanding of mining equipment with in-depth knowledge of lubrication. This enables Shell Lubricants to help mining customers maximise equipment productivity whilst reducing the total cost of ownership.

In mining alone, Shell’s experts have enabled customers worldwide to save $43m through better lubrication between 2011 and 2015.

‘Based on research commissioned by Shell Lubricants, conducted by Edelman Intelligence (Nov - Dec 2015.)

  1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is defined by Shell Lubricants as the total amount spent on the equipment, incl. cost of acquisition and operation over its entire working life, and costs from lost production during downtime. 
  2. Based on savings delivered to Shell Lubricants customers.’
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