Total Estimated Annual Customer Savings of $19,200

COMPANY: Weinrich Contracting Limited

LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

APPLICATION: Caterpillar 226B, 242B, 289C and 289D compact track loaders

KEY EDGE: Shell SRS 2000 Moly and Shell Gadus S2 V30KXD 1

5 annual


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Weinrich Contracting Ltd was experiencing increased maintenance costs and lower equipment reliability associated with unscheduled track frame pin repairs and replacement in their fleet of Caterpillar compact track loaders.


Shell's Lubricant Technical Advisors suggested that Weinrich Contracting Ltd change to a water and corrosion resistant grease with 5% moly which would provide long lasting protection of the track frame pin. Shell Gadus S2 V30KXD 1 for winter and Shell SRS 2000 Moly for summer was recommended.


Since switching to the Shell Gadus S2 V30KXD 1 and the Shell SRS 2000 Moly grease, Weinrich Contracting Ltd has been able to eliminate 5 unscheduled track frame pin replacements per year.

Shell Gadus


Through optimizing the grease utilized on their Caterpillar compact track loader's track frame pins, Weinrich Contracting Ltd has benefited from increased reliability and lower maintenance costs, realising a total annual saving of US$19,200.

The savings indicated are specific to the calculation date and mentioned site. These calculations may vary from site to site and from time to time, depending on, for example, the application, the operating conditions, the current products being used, the condition of the equipment and the maintenance practices.

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