Shell Pennsylvania Chemicals Virtual Community Meeting May 5, 2022
Watch the video from May 5.
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Shannon Debes: Good evening everyone and welcome to our third virtual Community meeting we're so glad to have you here with us this evening, whether it's your first time joining us or your third time joining us for this virtual series.
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Shannon Debes: That we launched after a series of in person, meetings and and certainly during the time of kovats so we're glad to keep.
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Shannon Debes: This tradition going and look forward to sharing project updates with you this evening i'm Shannon divis i'm local to the area graduated from Geneva college and have been honored to serve as your Community liaison for the past 10 years.
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Shannon Debes: Tonight i'm pleased to introduce you to our team and then we'll share a safety moment before we get started in the presentations.
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Shannon Debes: So this evening we'll have our general manager bill Watson sharing with you a project, update and an overview.
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Shannon Debes: Our production manager Michael Burke will be talking about flaring and rail activity as we go into operation.
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Shannon Debes: Our environmental manager Kim kale will be providing an environmental update for you and Mike Mitchell our emergency services coordinator will be sharing a bit about our emergency services on site so.
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Shannon Debes: All of the information that will be sharing this evening is really coming from.
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Shannon Debes: your questions and what you brought before us so we're really pleased to pull this information together.
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Shannon Debes: But we'll begin this evening in the same way that we begin all of our meetings on site with a safety.
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Shannon Debes: Review, so we do ask that you please not take this call, while driving, even when using a headset or hands free.
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Shannon Debes: And when you are using a headset please make sure that you can hear everything around you be at a fire alarm or something else that may alert you that you need to leave your location.
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Shannon Debes: We also ask that you be aware of all of your emergency exits and what's available around you as well as any first aid kit should you need it.
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Shannon Debes: We also ask that you please keep your microphones on mute and we'd like you to know that you can submit your questions at any time by typing a question in the chat box.
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Shannon Debes: And if you find you do need to step away from the presentation, no worries you won't miss anything we're recording this for you so you'll have an opportunity to watch it later.
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Shannon Debes: And so, with that i'd like to introduce our general manager bill Watson to share with you our project and asset overview and update bill.
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Bill Watson: Thank you Shannon and thanks to all of you for joining this evening, again, my name is bill Watson and i'm the general manager of the Shell palmer's monastic facility and I just wanted to start out by reminding you how our site is set up.
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Bill Watson: So Shannon if you go to the next slide.
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Bill Watson: will give you a quick overview of the site, here we go, so this is an aerial photo of the of the facility.
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Bill Watson: i'm going to start at the top left of your screen there where you can see our raw water and our wastewater treatment plant So here we take water from the Ohio river we clarify it we filter it, and then we send it to our code generation unit, which is kind of in the.
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Bill Watson: middle of your screen in the middle of the facility.
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Bill Watson: There we further purify it, and then we we make steam and electricity that powers are plant.
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Bill Watson: Now, on a normal day will export about a third of our power generated and that's about 80 megawatts of electricity that sent to the grid.
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Bill Watson: And that's an equivalent to up to power about 52,000 homes, so the next area, I want to talk to you about is our anything cracking unit and that's kind of in the top still to the left of your screen.
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Bill Watson: And there we take ethane and we crack it to make ethylene, which is the building block that we use to make our our final product which is polyethylene.
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Bill Watson: And that is produced in one of our three polyethylene units which are kind of in the middle right of your screen.
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Bill Watson: So we make over 40 different grades of polyethylene and all of that will be shipped overland either in rail cars or trucks and you can see we've got lots of rail on site.
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Bill Watson: Michael is going to talk more about that here in a bit, you can see, to the if you look on the screen we've got 376 that runs through our facility to the right of that.
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Bill Watson: Quite a few miles of track there, we also have our rail maintenance, building on that side of the facility, as well as our rail wash building.
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Bill Watson: Now a couple other key areas to know our our cooling water tower, which is to the top kind of middle of your screen.
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Bill Watson: As well as all of our site buildings which are located toward the bottom of your screen.
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Bill Watson: And those include our administration building or maintenance building our warehouses we've got our innovation Center i'll talk to you more about that in a bit, as well as our fire and medical building so just a brief overview of our facility again for you.
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Bill Watson: So if we go to the next slide.
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Bill Watson: will give you an update on construction progress so we're now approximately 95% construction complete.
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Bill Watson: And we've got about 4000 construction professionals that remain on site now that's down from our peak of about 8500.
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Bill Watson: Construction professionals and as we continue to finish construction of the plant, we continue to ramp down on the construction personnel ultimately get into our about about 600 full time employees that will have to run and maintain the site going forward, as well as our contract support.
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Bill Watson: So if we go to the next slide Shannon want to talk about steam blows and air blows.
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Bill Watson: So both our steam blows and our air bro blow programs are now complete really want to thank the Community for your support your open communication during those programs.
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Bill Watson: That was mostly quiet on site and in the Community throughout the programs, though, at the very start of both we did get feedback from the Community, that the startups were a bit loud.
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Bill Watson: So, while those fell within the regulatory limits we did hear your concerns and based on your feedback we were able to make some engineering.
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Bill Watson: And some procedural adjustments that we also get your feedback on that confirm that those were effective so really appreciate that, and thank you for the ongoing dialogue that's going to be critical for us for a successful startup.
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Bill Watson: And speaking of Community notifications we preview our activity on Facebook and anytime we believe an activity may have the potential to affect the Community, whether by sound or site or otherwise.
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Bill Watson: We share that with you, and you can see a copy of our Facebook page on the slide in front of you on the right.
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Bill Watson: Now, if any, unplanned activity occurs will also communicate with you on any matters that may potentially create an off site impact.
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Bill Watson: Now some questions arose recently regarding the sulfuric acid spilled it took place back in March on site, now that spill resulted from a faulty flange and it was found during an operator around.
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Bill Watson: It was fully contained and it created no off site impacts that we do have systems in place to manage that type of potential incident and they did work, exactly as they were supposed to.
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Bill Watson: So the health of the safety and the welfare of our Community it's really at the forefront of everything that we do and you'll hear more about how that care for our people is built into our processes from our leaders, as they speak here this evening.
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Bill Watson: So they go to the next slide Shannon yes so want to talk a bit about our flare pilots, so we lit are flare pilots back on March the 22nd.
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Bill Watson: And we made an announcement on Facebook at the time and we recognize the Community had a hard time seeing the pilots We actually had a hard time seeing the pilots as well, which is good.
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Bill Watson: Now the picture that you see here in front of us is an infrared snapshot of the the lit the high high pressure flare pilots, as well as of our brown flare So you can see them on your screen, they are lit and.
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Bill Watson: So just wanted to share that with you, they are indeed lit and they're working as as they're supposed to and Michael is going to talk a bit more about our flares in his presentation, so if we go to the next slide Shannon.
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Bill Watson: I didn't want to talk to you a bit about our innovation Center so.
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Bill Watson: We we've had a number of developments on site, as we get closer to commissioning and startup, and that includes inside our innovation Hall, which is one of the buildings that I mentioned earlier.
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Bill Watson: Now we're going to share more about our innovation hall in future meetings but it's a special facility for us because it allows our customers to come to site and actually work with us.
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Bill Watson: to design new products for their customers or to troubleshoot issues they may be having so you often see you know, on the outside of what's going on.
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Bill Watson: And what we're doing, but this offers you an opportunity to see what's going on inside.
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Bill Watson: And the innovation Center is special because we, we have a lot of the same equipment that our customers have and we can make the products that they make again to help them.
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Bill Watson: improve their products, so you can see here in the picture we made some five gallon pales in the building and some of our TEAM members are holding those up.
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Bill Watson: And just to kind of wrap up at a high level from a Commission even start up perspective we've handed over the majority of the buildings on site.
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Bill Watson: And we've also Commission really all of our utility system, so our coaching unit that I mentioned it's up and running producing steam electricity and we're moving further into the conditioning of our of our ECU and our polyethylene units.
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Bill Watson: So the last slide i'm going to cover with you here is around carbon capture and storage.
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Bill Watson: So Shell is supporting the energy transition through our strategy, which we call powering progress and we strongly support efforts to develop carbon capture and sequestration or CCS.
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Bill Watson: As it's abbreviated their opportunities now ultimately shells target has become a net zero emissions energy business by.
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Bill Watson: if not sooner and we're committed to helping decarbonize the tri state region by working with our alliance partners and local and state government leaders to define a shared vision for a low carbon.
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Bill Watson: and hydrogen industrial hub and Pennsylvania Ohio and West Virginia now CCS is one potential component of a broad solution and we're excited to be a part of that solution.
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Bill Watson: And with that i'm going to hand over now to our production manager Michael Burke and he's going to give you an update on flaring and rail activity, Michael.
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Michael Burke: hey thanks bill and good evening to everyone on the line.
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Michael Burke: i'm Michael the polymers production manager.
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Michael Burke: In this role, I have operational responsibility for all of the daily tasks that take place on the site i've spent nearly 20 years with Shell at petrochemical facilities throughout the United States and i'd like to start with an overview of what flares are and why they're necessary.
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Michael Burke: No next slide there we go, so what is a flare it's it's essentially a vital safety device and an environmental control.
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Michael Burke: And I say that and it's a safe way to burn hydrocarbon gas first release it directly to the atmosphere and, in doing that it protects our Community and protects our employees.
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Michael Burke: In essence, that the fundamental it's very similar to a gas grill or a natural gas, though, that you may have in your House and the combustion products from this.
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Michael Burke: flaring of fuel is mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor and our intent our purpose, our objective is to minimize the use of flaring, to the extent possible, and to that end we formalized a flare minimization plan.
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Michael Burke: Our flares are predominantly used during startups and shutdowns and also for unplanned operational interruptions and, if I can make an analogy, you can see the the hot water heater that I have in the top right.
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Michael Burke: If you've ever maintained your water system in your House, if you ever had to replace a faucet or a fixture and drain you've probably drain that water to a bucket or to an actual drain that goes outside.
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Michael Burke: If you've ever replace the hot water heater I know that's not a fun thing but i've had to do it, you have to drain it out and then, when you put the new one in you probably flush it a few times.
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Michael Burke: And then there's this little device on the side it's a pressure relief valve and that's there to protect your home and your family if the hot water heater over pressures.
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Michael Burke: And it relieves water down to the drain, and so we have essentially the same systems at our facility, the major difference being we we don't have water.
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Michael Burke: We have ethane and ethylene and we can't simply drain that because the ground so if we shut down or startup unit, if we do maintenance.
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Michael Burke: Or if we have an unplanned upset like that relief valve lifting then hydrocarbon is routed to the flare words most efficiently deconstructed and minimizes the potential for a release to the atmosphere.
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Michael Burke: So on the next slide we'll take a quick look at where the flare systems are around our facility.
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Michael Burke: So so on the left or to the West is our high pressure flare system its most visible with our elevated flair but there's more equipment there as well.
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Michael Burke: And then on the Right or to the east is our low pressure system let's start with maybe a look at the low pressure flare system on the next slide.
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Michael Burke: So the major piece of equipment in the system is what we call the Multi point ground flare and the shielding around this where.
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Michael Burke: Does tend to make it look like a set of stadium bleachers but inside those that shielding are our three headers and.
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Michael Burke: Those are what combust low pressure gas if it's required so flow to this flare is not continuous and it only occurs during certain operational conditions, even though the pilots always will remain lighted in order to receive flow if it's required.
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Michael Burke: let's maybe take a peek at the high pressure flare system.
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Michael Burke: So there are two major pieces of component or two major components in this system, one being the the ground flares and one being the elevated flare.
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Michael Burke: The ground flares Those are the two metallic cylinders, you see, in the picture on the left and the way our system is set up, that if there's a need to flare.
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Michael Burke: The initial flow will be routed to the ground ground flares and that minimizes the usage or eliminates the usage even of going to the elevated flare and the benefits of those ground flares.
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Michael Burke: They have an increased capacity for smokeless flaring that's based on their engineering design.
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Michael Burke: And then due to that shielding that you see around them there's less light emitted less sound emitted from these two ground flares and for the majority of our startup we expect that any flaring required is is contained within these rounds flares.
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Michael Burke: The elevated flare the Left it's approximately 370 feet Paul, if you look at the picture on the right that's actually the top of the flare where a flame to be admitted and that's what we call the tip.
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Michael Burke: So the way our systems work is that flows are automatically routed from the brown flares to the elevated flare when the capacity of those ground flares is reached.
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Michael Burke: And we elevate that and put it up high, because that is a higher volume of flow and that helps alleviate the concerns we have with the safety of our personnel on the ground and those around the area if it's required to use the elevated.
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Michael Burke: So let's maybe take a peek now what you can expect to see or hear from usage of the flares.
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Michael Burke: So I want to start with, these are not pictures of our flare obviously if you've taken a peek these are from from industry, but a couple of things to note here what you may see so as bill mentioned the pilots are always lit.
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Michael Burke: When there's gas to the flare you'll see a flame from the tip as the two pictures on the right and that flame will vary with flow rate.
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Michael Burke: they'll typically be a plume of steam that's not smoke that may be emitted from the tip of the elevated flare and that steam is actually used to.
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Michael Burke: ensure the condition conditions exist for complete combustion and that actually helps to minimize smoking if a significant flow is required to the elevated flare.
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Michael Burke: That said, there are conditions that could create smoking for a limited time at the flare.
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Michael Burke: that smoking is a sign of incomplete combustion and an operationally what we do at that point is, we take action to minimize that and so that could be adjusting the steam rate.
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Michael Burke: To to create a more proper atmosphere for combustion or and simultaneously reducing the flow to the flare itself.
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Michael Burke: And for certain situations or conditions at the site, we do actually have automatic controls in place that will rapidly reduce the feed to the plant and therefore the associated clary.
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Michael Burke: From an audible perspective elevated flare may result in a low rumbling sound and that's due to the turbulent mixing of steam air gases at the tip of the flare and again.
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Michael Burke: similar to the visual cues we take action to eliminate that so we definitely appreciate that the light and the sound have the potential to impact our Community.
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Michael Burke: Again, the majority of the time, we should only see a visible steam plume it's important for us to minimize the use of flare when this flare when possible, we we definitely understand that.
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Michael Burke: But there are scenarios, where the use of this elevated flare as necessary to keep our Community and our operations and our employees safe.
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Michael Burke: skip now to our rail facility and with that share, just a brief overview so as mentioned earlier the facility extends the full southern edge of the site.
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Michael Burke: passes under I 376 to our East rail yard on the east side of the interstate internally it's it's maintained and operated by Shell polymers in conjunction with our contract partners.
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Michael Burke: And then we maintain connectivity to the broader regional and national rail system via CSS we have many, many miles of rail on the site.
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Michael Burke: Our plans include about 80 cars per day moving in and out of the site, we have storage for 1600 cars and you'll see two main types of cars one or hopper cars, so those are the more rectangular.
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Michael Burke: Rail cars that's the vast majority of the fleet that will have on site, and those are intended to to move polyethylene around.
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Michael Burke: We fill those with automatic loaders and they can fill one of those cars and about 25 minutes, the other type our tank cars, so those are cylindrical.
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Michael Burke: These are for inbound co monomers and those are components that we mix with the ethylene to make polyethylene and then outbound cars for our hydrocarbon co products that we make in conjunction with the ethylene.
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Michael Burke: And now go to the next slide and share a little bit more around activities in the rail yard.
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Michael Burke: So some of the major activities we move cars around just like any other rail yard, we staged them to be ready for loading to be removed off site.
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Michael Burke: We actually conduct loading and offloading of both tank and hopper cars we do minor maintenance of cars on site replacing a wheel bearing touching up the liner inside a car.
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Michael Burke: And as bill mentioned, we have a wash facility when we receive us cars back to the site hopper cars we wash those any debris is screened out, and then we recycle the water back around Washington next car.
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Michael Burke: Another key component, I know, is a big one out there is noise and there are several things that can cause noise in the facility i'll talk to those real briefly and then talk about what we're doing to mitigate that and always and its potential impact on the Community.
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Michael Burke: coupling of cars so physically joining them together the noise of the engine from the locomotive squealing of wheels as it moves around the track.
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Michael Burke: And, and the horns, which are unnecessary safety feature to protect our personnel and the yard Those are all things that can cause noise So what are we doing.
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Michael Burke: Our coupling will take place at a very low speed it'll be less than two miles an hour, and we also won't use the practice of free rolling or shoving cars down the track where they.
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Michael Burke: Uncontrolled bounce into another car and lock that coupling in place.
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Michael Burke: Half of our rail car movers are what we call track mobiles so they're they're much smaller engines, we use those for about half of our movements.
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Michael Burke: When we have fully loaded rail cars, though the full size locomotive is required, the speed limit is seven miles an hour so it's actually a very low speed limit for a rail yard.
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Michael Burke: reduces locomotive engine noise we're working to reduce our horns, to the lowest allowable level under the federal railroad administration guidelines.
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Michael Burke: But again it's a safety device that it's there to protect our employees.
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Michael Burke: We plan to reduce the number of crossings after construction is complete that minimizes the use of the Horn, in the first place, our team sounds that Horn and a brief one second blurt relative to a you know multi second long blast that you may hear on a highway processing.
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Michael Burke: we've reduced night activities, we were not planning to completely eliminate night activities, but where we have discretionary activities or we can optimize our intent is to reduce the amount of activities that have to happen, excuse me after hours and then lastly.
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Michael Burke: The rail yard was built with engineering analysis and studies and models, now that we have hopper cars on site we're moving them around.
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Michael Burke: we're in a position that we can collect more data and we've actually initiated that.
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Michael Burke: Our intent is to continue collecting that data in the coming weeks and months to continue analyzing that from an engineering perspective.
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Michael Burke: And to determine if there are opportunities for us either via administrative or what i'll say operational controls or engineering controls work to reduce the impact that that noise could potentially have our Community.
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Michael Burke: So thanks everyone for the time I appreciate discussing these two aspects of our operations and i'd like to hand it back to bill, and maybe share a few additional remarks.
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Bill Watson: hey Thank you Michael.
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Bill Watson: I just wanted to mention.
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Bill Watson: That when it comes to activities on site that the Community may see or hear or otherwise, that that myself, like many of our employees who work on site we actually live in the local community.
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Bill Watson: And in fact I can see the plant from my house so not only do we care about the Community because we're a good neighbor, but we also care about the Community, because we are your neighbors.
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Bill Watson: And, and with that to talk more about environmental and where we're at with the site plans i'm going to introduce our environmental manager Kim kale and she's going to give you an update so Kim.
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Kim Kaal: hi I am Kim kale Shell polymers.
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Kim Kaal: Environmental manager really happy to be with you, with you here tonight i've been in the environmental field for over 30 years and with Shell 11 years and this project brought me home my family's originally from coriolis just up the River I grew up in Pittsburgh.
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Kim Kaal: I was educated here and my family's still here.
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Kim Kaal: Protecting the Community and the environment is our top priority, our plan incorporates best available technology which minimizes emissions we permitted our plant working with the state and the Federal agencies and operates under some of the strictest requirements in the in the nation.
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Kim Kaal: Well, Michael covered our flare hardware, its purpose and function, and I will explain more about the environmental requirements and how we monitor and controller flares.
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Kim Kaal: As noted or flares our safety device but they're also designed to minimize emissions.
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Kim Kaal: One way is through our high pressure flares shown on the left and the other way is through our low pressure flares, including the thermal ox advisors.
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Kim Kaal: And a multi point ground flare as a backup our flare systems are designed to achieve at least 98% destruction, efficiency and 99.9% destruction efficiency for thermal oxidizer.
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Kim Kaal: or plant is also designed to recycle hydrogen.
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Kim Kaal: So that we burn less natural gas, thereby further reducing emissions, we have a flare minimization plan it was reviewed and approved by Pennsylvania department of environmental protection or paid up.
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Kim Kaal: It references startup procedures and also described corrective actions that could be incorporated in the event of unpredictable circumstances.
00:27:02.820 --> 00:27:23.940
Kim Kaal: or flares are also equipped with analyzers they measure, the content of volatile organic compounds methane carbon and sulfur each flare also has a video camera and a recording system for monitoring them on a full time basis we also monitor for visible emissions.
00:27:25.020 --> 00:27:36.630
Kim Kaal: Each flare uses the combination of analyzers flow meters and engineering calculations, to ensure the heating value is sufficient for the destruction of hydrocarbons.
00:27:37.680 --> 00:27:42.480
Kim Kaal: We permitted our flare missions using regional ambient air modeling.
00:27:48.870 --> 00:27:55.170
Kim Kaal: The stars on this slide indicate locations were stacked testing either has or will occur.
00:27:55.890 --> 00:28:15.960
Kim Kaal: Continuous admission monitoring systems or SEMs monitor emissions from our furnaces and our code generation units are Sam to monitor for carbon monoxide, as well as nitrogen oxides stack testing already has occurred and it's completed in our cogent.
00:28:17.220 --> 00:28:26.520
Kim Kaal: And it will be conducted in the future at our furnaces or thermal oxidizer or pellet dryers in our catalyst activation vents.
00:28:27.390 --> 00:28:39.180
Kim Kaal: stock testing assures our missions, they provide our mission factors for our calculated emissions submitted quarterly in in our annual inventory.
00:28:40.050 --> 00:29:03.450
Kim Kaal: It allows us to certify the accuracy of our sense, it also, more importantly, allows us to demonstrate compliance with our permit limits stock testing is performed after startup and repeated, as required by our permits the tests are performed using Environmental Protection Agency methods.
00:29:12.690 --> 00:29:22.350
Kim Kaal: little bit about our fence line monitoring program we have implemented a fence line monitoring program to monitor for volatile organic compound emissions.
00:29:22.860 --> 00:29:35.040
Kim Kaal: The fence line monitoring program was designed using EPA standards in collaboration with both the Clean Air Council and the environmental integrity project.
00:29:35.730 --> 00:29:58.890
Kim Kaal: Passive air monitoring systems or pam's and continuous air monitoring systems or cams were installed to monitor missions at our fence line there 20 pam's and for cams all located in both the upwind and downwind directions Pam samples are collected for Vo sees every two weeks.
00:29:59.940 --> 00:30:19.320
Kim Kaal: Old data collected will be provided on shells website for the Community to view, now we heard your feedback from prior Community meetings and we took the decision to begin the program early so i'll share that information on how to access the data in one moment.
00:30:20.940 --> 00:30:38.490
Kim Kaal: Our leak detection and repair or Eldar program is one of the most restrictive in the US, we monitor more components and more frequently than are required in the Gulf coast, for example, monitoring cogent and our natural gas pipeline.
00:30:40.020 --> 00:30:45.270
Kim Kaal: During the first year we anticipate monitoring about 180,000 points.
00:30:46.410 --> 00:31:04.110
Kim Kaal: Volatile organic compounds detectors also called photo ionization detector and forward looking infrared cameras are used to detect leaks from components, such as valves flanges connectors seals pressure relief devices.
00:31:09.660 --> 00:31:32.550
Kim Kaal: To access shells fence line monitoring program first to go to our website, which is backslash holly dash E next click on fence line monitoring program it'll be on the right, then passive air monitoring systems data.
00:31:34.140 --> 00:31:44.610
Kim Kaal: At the bottom left of this page you'll find links that take you to the data itself there's also a documents page, which explains more about how to read the data.
00:31:45.750 --> 00:32:00.870
Kim Kaal: Now if there's any questions you can call our number, which is 844-776-5581 and you can also email us at Shell chemicals
00:32:01.860 --> 00:32:19.350
Kim Kaal: We really want you to have this information because protecting the Community our people and the environment is shells top priority this mindset is critical to the well to the way Shell operates in protecting the environment is key to maintaining our license to operate.
00:32:31.320 --> 00:32:32.070
Mike Mitchell: Thanks Kim.
00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:42.000
Mike Mitchell: My name is Mike Mitchell and I would like to say, good evening to everyone tonight on the call, and this is my first opportunity to join the virtual community.
00:32:43.200 --> 00:32:51.420
Mike Mitchell: Again i'm the emergency services coordinator i've been with Shell 15 years and i'm also a 40 year emergency response professional.
00:32:52.320 --> 00:33:00.540
Mike Mitchell: When I started with Shell I started in Louisiana at one of our facilities called norco serving as the emergency response manager.
00:33:01.140 --> 00:33:09.600
Mike Mitchell: for about six and a half years before moving to Shell global solutions with an opportunity to work in our Center of expertise for emergency response.
00:33:10.380 --> 00:33:17.940
Mike Mitchell: I read a lot arrived here just a little over a year ago, and I am really excited to be part of the emergency services organization.
00:33:18.510 --> 00:33:26.910
Mike Mitchell: The Shell polymer family and certainly also to to let everybody know i've really enjoyed living locally here in beaver.
00:33:27.330 --> 00:33:33.060
Mike Mitchell: and enjoying a lot of the restaurants in beaver and the surrounding communities it's been very exciting.
00:33:33.690 --> 00:33:40.260
Mike Mitchell: And, like others have done on the next slide what i'd like to do is kind of give you a little bit of an overview of where the fire station is located.
00:33:40.740 --> 00:33:51.030
Mike Mitchell: A little information about the fire station and then continuing slides a little bit more about the emergency response organization that we've put together here at Shell polymers.
00:33:51.660 --> 00:33:57.420
Mike Mitchell: So on the screen, certainly, you can see that we have a large fire station and the upper photo there.
00:33:58.050 --> 00:34:06.780
Mike Mitchell: As you kind of look down below in the red circle, you can kind of see where we're located so certainly on the West Southwest side of our facility.
00:34:07.560 --> 00:34:18.930
Mike Mitchell: We have a fire station and a medical clinic inside that building about 16,000 square feet with double deep days, where all of our equipment is housed and ready to respond.
00:34:19.740 --> 00:34:30.630
Mike Mitchell: And it's like most most fire stations that you have out in the communities and surrounding cities we have offices and training rooms for for all of our staff that we have here on the site.
00:34:31.350 --> 00:34:37.830
Mike Mitchell: In our medical facility, we have three medical exam rooms, where we can treat for a stage that could come about.
00:34:39.060 --> 00:34:49.170
Mike Mitchell: Our staffing, so we have a fire brigade so like a regular fire department and they're divided on for shifts just like our operators on the first.
00:34:49.680 --> 00:35:00.660
Mike Mitchell: Emergency Response coordinator that's a full time position for me and, in addition to me, we have additionally for shift team leaders there full time employed by shell.
00:35:01.080 --> 00:35:10.650
Mike Mitchell: And now we've actually increased up to 16 technician so we've added a few staff and, in addition to our full time brigade that we have here.
00:35:11.040 --> 00:35:19.920
Mike Mitchell: We have 47 volunteers that make up our full organization and those volunteers come through us from our operators down on site.
00:35:20.220 --> 00:35:27.900
Mike Mitchell: That actually work in the operating units and provide again additional levels of numbers for our emergency response team.
00:35:28.680 --> 00:35:39.510
Mike Mitchell: So what i'd like to do is on the next slide kind of give you a little bit of information about some of the training and competencies that take place to be a part of the emergency response organization.
00:35:40.380 --> 00:35:49.920
Mike Mitchell: So, again initial training, just like all firefighters in the Community they've learned firefighting some of us came to us with some already great fire training.
00:35:50.340 --> 00:36:00.810
Mike Mitchell: We provided some additional industrial fire training and schools either locally here at BC three or also at Texas a&m where we have a corporate fire school.
00:36:01.200 --> 00:36:10.110
Mike Mitchell: So each of our full time members, they attended very regularly all of our volunteers attended those fire trainings those industrial fire training opportunities.
00:36:10.890 --> 00:36:23.190
Mike Mitchell: In addition to firefighting training, because we do a lot of other things we trained all of our first personnel in hazardous materials technician level training both full time and our volunteers.
00:36:23.790 --> 00:36:35.970
Mike Mitchell: we're training our response action team those actually go to Colorado to Pueblo are sending out some teams out there, we just had some teams come back and those are for rail and road transportation emergencies.
00:36:36.510 --> 00:36:46.770
Mike Mitchell: Certainly, in addition to firefighting and hazardous materials rescue so we've trained our team with a lot of training on rope rescue so from rescues at heights.
00:36:47.250 --> 00:36:54.420
Mike Mitchell: Again confined spaces, where work may be going on to ready equipment or in the future work on equipment.
00:36:54.960 --> 00:37:05.190
Mike Mitchell: So in addition to the rescue part of it, our team is trained for medical responses so anything from heart attack somebody cutting themselves slips trips and falls.
00:37:05.550 --> 00:37:15.630
Mike Mitchell: Our team makes up of some emt we actually have some paramedic as well as em ours or emergency medical responders on our team.
00:37:16.410 --> 00:37:27.600
Mike Mitchell: So in addition to that initial training there's always ongoing activities that take place some of our teams are doing weekly activities, as well as monthly things quarterly training.
00:37:28.200 --> 00:37:37.470
Mike Mitchell: In addition to actual training we do drills readiness drills in our various operating units, so that we're prepared to understand what type of.
00:37:38.100 --> 00:37:53.340
Mike Mitchell: emergencies that that could occur and how we can effectively respond to those emergencies so we've been conducting a lot of those readiness drills to to help everybody get coordinated and be more comfortable about those responses.
00:37:54.360 --> 00:38:04.650
Mike Mitchell: Certainly, on the right screen again, one of our TEAM members and showing some love there with the heart, again we we do have an emergency operations Center or eeoc.
00:38:05.100 --> 00:38:13.770
Mike Mitchell: we've been conducting some training actually started back in December this past week we've had some additional training of our various teams that we have.
00:38:14.340 --> 00:38:22.320
Mike Mitchell: In our emergency operations Center is we have various disciplines on our site from our managers that come together.
00:38:22.980 --> 00:38:31.740
Mike Mitchell: and take some initial training they serve a rotation of on call for one week a time because we have five different teams.
00:38:32.460 --> 00:38:40.680
Mike Mitchell: and during that time if they're needed to be called in for weather events that could occur, we can summon them to the site if they're not already here.
00:38:41.220 --> 00:38:50.640
Mike Mitchell: So we had face to face training some certain sense scenario simulations and then we'll continue on a rotation for quarterly activities going forward.
00:38:51.420 --> 00:38:59.100
Mike Mitchell: So i'd like to do on the next slide is kind of give you a little bit more ideas, some of the things not only our full time staff does, but our volunteers.
00:38:59.520 --> 00:39:09.750
Mike Mitchell: Yes, we can all understand, we make responses, just like the Community fire department, we do a lot of training as i've mentioned before, a lot of the initial training and ongoing training.
00:39:10.470 --> 00:39:18.510
Mike Mitchell: In addition to training, we have apparatus which, in just a little bit i'll kind of show you some of the specialized equipment, we have here on site.
00:39:18.870 --> 00:39:26.790
Mike Mitchell: So we do a lot of readiness training to make sure that piece of equipment and the variety of pieces that we equipment, we have are ready to respond.
00:39:27.810 --> 00:39:40.200
Mike Mitchell: We do unit and building familiarization so as you saw in some of the earlier slides the variety of units were out in those areas being coming familiar with those developing plans for those areas.
00:39:40.800 --> 00:39:52.470
Mike Mitchell: And then, just like communities, we have buildings, as well, so our teams are being becoming familiar with a variety of things inside the buildings, the alarm systems, the sprinkler systems and so forth.
00:39:53.190 --> 00:40:00.450
Mike Mitchell: And most like in your Community when you go through buildings, you see, fire extinguishers well, not only in our buildings are operating units.
00:40:00.900 --> 00:40:06.210
Mike Mitchell: We have over 1200 fire extinguishers that will be on site and we require.
00:40:07.020 --> 00:40:18.390
Mike Mitchell: You know, regular testing of those and inspections of those our team, as well as some of our operations teams will be looking at those to make sure they're in place and ready to go.
00:40:19.110 --> 00:40:27.570
Mike Mitchell: In addition to fire extinguishers just like you may see in gyms and other locations, we have a DS or automatic external defibrillators.
00:40:28.230 --> 00:40:36.750
Mike Mitchell: place throughout our site, as well as on our team vehicle so if we have to respond to cardiac situations we're capable to do that.
00:40:37.710 --> 00:40:42.150
Mike Mitchell: In addition to some of the things i've already mentioned, we do surveillance rounds so we're around.
00:40:42.600 --> 00:40:51.480
Mike Mitchell: Certainly around the site looking listening trying to catch things before they would materialize so they spend some time out in the field.
00:40:52.140 --> 00:40:58.290
Mike Mitchell: And in addition to the things that we do on site we've got one here that we show on the right hand side of the screen.
00:40:58.620 --> 00:41:08.490
Mike Mitchell: Where we last year participated as we've done even in previous years, is a smoke detector co detector giveaway and that took place up but beaver county mall.
00:41:08.910 --> 00:41:14.220
Mike Mitchell: Again, we got to meet a lot of folks got the handout some detectors so that you can take home and put in your home.
00:41:14.520 --> 00:41:23.190
Mike Mitchell: And, just like the alarms here that i'll talk about in a little while alert you to let you know something's going on, so we really enjoy being out in the Community.
00:41:23.880 --> 00:41:29.850
Mike Mitchell: So i'd like to do is jump to the next slide kind of give you an idea, some of the specialized equipment that we have.
00:41:30.630 --> 00:41:40.800
Mike Mitchell: Just like most communities, so we have fire trucks, we have ambulances, again, these are industrialized for the specific applications that we have here.
00:41:41.550 --> 00:41:50.910
Mike Mitchell: We had again have a rescue and hazmat vehicle, we have a pumper there over on the right hand side, we have a large aerial apparatus in the bottom left.
00:41:51.300 --> 00:41:56.280
Mike Mitchell: And then, something you don't see a lot of times in the local community is what we call a quick attack pickup.
00:41:56.640 --> 00:42:04.860
Mike Mitchell: it's a smaller pickup truck very versatile very easy and areas to get into into tight areas that that if we have to.
00:42:05.550 --> 00:42:12.330
Mike Mitchell: So again, these are our fleet of vehicles that we have here, and all of our training is surrounding even these pieces of equipment.
00:42:12.750 --> 00:42:21.480
Mike Mitchell: Our teams have to learn how to drive them certainly operate them and some of our shifts to do some specialized maintenance on some of those.
00:42:22.020 --> 00:42:30.690
Mike Mitchell: Well, just like with all fire trucks, you need a fire water system so on the next slide and kind of like to give you a little bit of information on our fire water system.
00:42:31.290 --> 00:42:39.840
Mike Mitchell: We have a very robust fire water system here at the site there's three fire water pumps each of those pumps, are capable of 3000 gallons a minute.
00:42:40.620 --> 00:42:44.610
Mike Mitchell: And again, we do have some jockey pumps that just maintain some system pressure.
00:42:45.150 --> 00:42:49.890
Mike Mitchell: And then throughout our facility, just like that you see out in your neighborhoods we have fire hydrants.
00:42:50.310 --> 00:43:01.080
Mike Mitchell: Well, on our site, here we have 150 fire hydrants and then, in addition to the physical fire hydrants that you may be used to this picture on the right, shows a fire water monitor.
00:43:01.500 --> 00:43:13.110
Mike Mitchell: These are ready to go fire water is piped right to them specialized nozzles so that they can move them around direct them around for any activities that we may see and be able to handle.
00:43:14.070 --> 00:43:24.660
Mike Mitchell: What I like to do as I mentioned earlier, when we were talking a little bit about the smoke and carbon dioxide or excuse me CO2 detectors i'd like to kind of talk about our alarms a little bit on the next slide.
00:43:27.240 --> 00:43:37.710
Mike Mitchell: So with this we have what's called a public address and general alarm or paga system we have a series of speakers located around in our operating units.
00:43:38.160 --> 00:43:51.150
Mike Mitchell: Throughout our buildings out in our rail yards, and with this system, it is possible to quickly provide information verbally, if need be, to the site with instructions on what they may need to do.
00:43:51.750 --> 00:43:59.400
Mike Mitchell: To either muster something or move away from a particular area or evacuated a certain area of the facility, and this could be.
00:43:59.790 --> 00:44:10.200
Mike Mitchell: Even for weather events that that would be pending in our area as well, to help keep our sites safe, just as other systems are out in the Community to do some of those.
00:44:10.710 --> 00:44:18.810
Mike Mitchell: will be developing a routine testing plan and then that will let you know when that will be so some sort of regular frequency whether its monthly.
00:44:19.590 --> 00:44:30.780
Mike Mitchell: That we would be testing that system so that you would be aware, if you were hearing those systems on those certain days of the week and there's certain times it's just routine testing that we want to be able to conduct.
00:44:31.650 --> 00:44:37.530
Mike Mitchell: What i'd like to do is kind of talk a little bit on the next slide there's been some questions about evacuations, that.
00:44:38.220 --> 00:44:49.710
Mike Mitchell: that people have around questions for our site, so our facility is not required to to provide a full scope, if you will have evacuation plans for you in the Community.
00:44:50.160 --> 00:45:02.160
Mike Mitchell: Certainly we're following federal guidelines some facilities have to provide a physical evacuation plan, but what we actually do is we work with beaver county emergency services.
00:45:02.610 --> 00:45:10.770
Mike Mitchell: And again, should there be a situation that we would be recommending to the Community, we would give that information to beaver county.
00:45:11.220 --> 00:45:22.500
Mike Mitchell: And with that they would have the use of their mass communication system that they can actually call you some people call it like a reverse 911 system.
00:45:23.070 --> 00:45:33.510
Mike Mitchell: And again, many of you have signed up for that we've kind of given you the Web address for their system and, as I have, and most of our staff have.
00:45:33.990 --> 00:45:44.850
Mike Mitchell: We encourage everyone to actually log into that system register it so that emergencies either weather related around our Community or certainly at any of the industries.
00:45:45.150 --> 00:45:52.710
Mike Mitchell: You know, can be given to each and every one of you through that process, so we encourage you to please take a look at that and sign up.
00:45:54.000 --> 00:46:00.240
Mike Mitchell: What i'd like to do is kind of give you a little bit of overview of some other things that we do some just some pictures.
00:46:00.660 --> 00:46:07.620
Mike Mitchell: This was just one picture of the group that went up to beaver county mall and was part of the giveaway up there with some other folks.
00:46:07.950 --> 00:46:21.960
Mike Mitchell: So this is just some of our staff, certainly not all of our staff that we have and again they were enjoying the opportunity to talk with the various folks in the communities and during that handout and on this next slide.
00:46:24.360 --> 00:46:33.240
Mike Mitchell: What i'd like to do is just kind of give you an idea we were talking earlier a little bit about the training and competencies and many people see their their local fire team.
00:46:33.780 --> 00:46:40.920
Mike Mitchell: In their bunker gear and so forth, when addition to those fire protective clothing, we have hazardous materials types of clothing.
00:46:41.370 --> 00:46:53.370
Mike Mitchell: This was some examples of some of the training that took place here on site and just kind of giving an example of some of the extensive training that our team goes through to to be ready for.
00:46:53.910 --> 00:47:05.640
Mike Mitchell: any type of emergency that we have here on site, so what i'd like to do is turn it back over and certainly thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to address all of you out there, so thank you.
00:47:07.980 --> 00:47:22.290
Shannon Debes: Thank you so much Mike and thank you to the entire team for your presentations this evening and sharing with the Community those things that you all taken the time to write to us and call us about and ask those questions.
00:47:22.770 --> 00:47:27.420
Shannon Debes: we're glad to to put that together in a presentation, for you this evening.
00:47:27.870 --> 00:47:40.560
Shannon Debes: And now we would like to take some time to answer your questions that you've shared with us tonight we also want to share with you that all of the questions that you've asked from our prior Community meetings.
00:47:41.100 --> 00:47:52.380
Shannon Debes: can be found on our slash poly dash E under the question and answer section there and we'll share that information with you.
00:47:52.890 --> 00:48:02.280
Shannon Debes: In a summary slide after all of the questions so that you have that, and you have all of those ways to contact us and you don't have to worry about it being written down.
00:48:02.550 --> 00:48:10.890
Shannon Debes: And, of course, this presentation is being recorded too, so if you miss that screen you'll be able to come back to it later as well.
00:48:11.910 --> 00:48:27.900
Shannon Debes: So the first question that we have this evening is for bill Watson bill, one of our viewers is asking, will the 600 jobs that you have for the permanent facility be filled with local workers are people brought in from other states.
00:48:29.490 --> 00:48:39.120
Bill Watson: Great question Shannon so the overwhelming majority of our workers are from the local area, not all of course we've got a number of folks who have come in with.
00:48:39.450 --> 00:48:48.570
Bill Watson: A lot of manufacturing experience to help you know build up our systems and get everything ready for start up, myself included, but the majority of our folks are from the local area.
00:48:51.300 --> 00:49:04.920
Shannon Debes: Thank you bill, and the next question is for Michael Burke, and the question is about light and what the lit facility will look like when we're operational versus in production, so the question is.
00:49:05.220 --> 00:49:17.310
Shannon Debes: What will the light from the plant look like in production in you know seemingly the brighter phase that we have now during production versus operation in the future.
00:49:18.270 --> 00:49:27.030
Michael Burke: Sure, no wonderful so a lot of the what i'll say ground level type light apparatus that are there for supporting the 24 seven.
00:49:27.600 --> 00:49:35.430
Michael Burke: Construction activities those will be demobilized this construction finishes the ones that are probably more visible to our surrounding community.
00:49:36.270 --> 00:49:41.220
Michael Burke: Those are driven by FAA regulations and we've actually gone back.
00:49:41.730 --> 00:49:51.720
Michael Burke: To the FAA and our permits and we're reevaluating what we can do so, you probably notice in many areas of the plant, where there was previously a bright light strobe.
00:49:52.380 --> 00:50:01.170
Michael Burke: Those have been turned in compliance with our permit back to a a dimmer at least from a ground level red strobe light.
00:50:01.650 --> 00:50:13.920
Michael Burke: And our commitment is to continue working with the FAA to understand any other opportunities we have in order to minimize some of the light impact in the surrounding community and and that's currently taking place, and will continue.
00:50:14.550 --> 00:50:17.400
Michael Burke: In the coming time in order to understand what opportunities we have.
00:50:19.770 --> 00:50:20.730
Shannon Debes: Thank you, Michael.
00:50:21.690 --> 00:50:24.960
Shannon Debes: And the next question we have is for bill.
00:50:25.230 --> 00:50:47.610
Shannon Debes: And bill, this is in regard to the portion of your presentation around the sulfuric acid spill that took place on site, why would a flange fail have happened with installation being new in place for approximately two years with fluids generally not circulating yet on a large scale.
00:50:49.200 --> 00:50:56.400
Bill Watson: Thanks Shannon yeah another good question so a flange can fail, there are a number of reasons why a flash could fail, it could be, it could be.
00:50:57.120 --> 00:51:02.280
Bill Watson: A gasket issue, it could be a flange face issue, it could be a talking issue.
00:51:02.700 --> 00:51:16.500
Bill Watson: So the key thing, there is, we always investigate something like this to ensure we understand what the cause is and then take the appropriate action to ensure it doesn't happen again and that's really what you know our commitment to being a good neighbor is all about.
00:51:19.500 --> 00:51:20.760
Shannon Debes: Thank you bill.
00:51:22.320 --> 00:51:34.770
Shannon Debes: And the next question that we have is for Kim Kim can you share how a flare that combusts material is good for the environment.
00:51:36.480 --> 00:51:37.470
Kim Kaal: Absolutely.
00:51:38.490 --> 00:51:53.010
Kim Kaal: So the process of gathering materials and sending it to a flare and combusting it 98% efficient destruction efficiency means that that's 98%.
00:51:53.670 --> 00:52:11.220
Kim Kaal: Of what would have been admitted to the atmosphere that now isn't, and so the remaining two so that keep in mind our thermal oxidizer hours are at least 99.9% efficient so that's what players do, what do for us.
00:52:13.980 --> 00:52:14.460
Shannon Debes: Thank you.
00:52:15.840 --> 00:52:17.370
Shannon Debes: and the next one is.
00:52:17.400 --> 00:52:34.590
Shannon Debes: For Mike Mitchell and the question Mike is considering some of the other facilities in the area and the evacuation plans they have that everyone is comfortable with how is it that this site doesn't have that same requirement.
00:52:35.880 --> 00:52:46.140
Mike Mitchell: yeah Thank you Shannon great question again, as you know, there are facilities, like our our pipeline facilities that run all around us so we're very similar in nature's to those.
00:52:46.650 --> 00:52:57.420
Mike Mitchell: That again they're not required to have those, but I think the important part, for us to understand is when we recognize that there's something that's going to impact our Community.
00:52:57.750 --> 00:53:03.540
Mike Mitchell: we're going to be working with beaver county as we send them information to remember recommend something.
00:53:03.900 --> 00:53:17.310
Mike Mitchell: And maybe that's just to stay in place where you are or again provide you information about what may be going on, so evacuations aren't the only part of it, that we will be communicating to beaver county.
00:53:19.800 --> 00:53:20.850
Shannon Debes: Thank you Mike.
00:53:21.510 --> 00:53:23.550
Shannon Debes: And the next question we have.
00:53:24.090 --> 00:53:30.960
Shannon Debes: coming in, I think that will probably send this to Michael Burke.
00:53:32.580 --> 00:53:41.130
Shannon Debes: It is a question i've been seeing smoke, coming from a high tower in the area of the high pressure flare is it active.
00:53:43.200 --> 00:53:48.870
Michael Burke: Yes, so So the answer the second part there, yes, the high pressure flare the pilots are lit.
00:53:49.950 --> 00:53:57.300
Michael Burke: And it is if necessary available now we've not inventoried hydrocarbon the only hydrocarbon we have is the.
00:53:58.230 --> 00:54:08.250
Michael Burke: The supplemental natural gas that goes to the high pressure flare if it's required in order to promote the the right combustion environment, as well as the pilots as bill showed in the.
00:54:10.290 --> 00:54:24.690
Michael Burke: Clear video or the infrared video as far as the smoke again not aware of any smoking, but you will typically see particularly depending on weather conditions humidity so this morning is a prime example is pretty high humidity.
00:54:25.590 --> 00:54:37.950
Michael Burke: You may see a plume of steam, and again that's water vapor that's not smoke and that water vapor is injected the steam is brought to that flare tip in preparation of the flare is needed.
00:54:38.460 --> 00:54:51.090
Michael Burke: To promote the right combustion conditions so that we we minimize any impact on our community on our site on our employees and we utilize that flare control device in the most efficient manner possible.
00:54:53.670 --> 00:54:54.660
Shannon Debes: Thank you, Michael.
00:54:55.320 --> 00:54:57.960
Shannon Debes: The next question we have for bill.
00:54:58.200 --> 00:55:03.960
Shannon Debes: Are Shell employees or management required to live within a certain distance from the plant.
00:55:05.580 --> 00:55:15.420
Bill Watson: Great question Shannon so no there's no hard rule, though, any of our leadership that's part of our emergency operations Center.
00:55:15.930 --> 00:55:27.360
Bill Watson: they've got to be within an hour's drive of the site and but primarily you know folks are going to be even closer than that, if they can decide every day but there's no hard and fast rule, no.
00:55:29.310 --> 00:55:35.580
Bill Watson: I live in the county I think a lot of our leadership does, as well as again in the local surrounding areas so yeah.
00:55:37.260 --> 00:55:38.730
Shannon Debes: Very good, thank you.
00:55:40.890 --> 00:55:43.320
Shannon Debes: The next question is for.
00:55:43.590 --> 00:55:54.810
Shannon Debes: Kim and it is, I heard the air shed in our area will actually get better in time with the plant operating, but how is that going to happen.
00:55:57.240 --> 00:56:07.470
Kim Kaal: Well, the regulators have set the national ambient air quality standards, and that is what sets the air quality for the region, we can't exceed the next.
00:56:07.890 --> 00:56:19.650
Kim Kaal: We have our potential to admit that has been permitted in our air plans approval and eventually in our title five operating permit and we have to stay below those limits.
00:56:21.570 --> 00:56:25.050
Shannon Debes: Okay, and the next question i'm not sure who to.
00:56:25.050 --> 00:56:27.750
Shannon Debes: Direct it to so i'll put it out there and we'll see.
00:56:28.320 --> 00:56:47.610
Shannon Debes: Which colleague may be best suited and if you know that that's not today, then it is something will absolutely put on the website and that question relates to how much gas does the facility plan to process per day and are there operational minimum and maximum limits.
00:56:48.960 --> 00:56:59.190
Michael Burke: Oh i'll take that Sharon, you know long term the the notional rate is in the hundred 220,000 barrels of ethane per day and the site.
00:56:59.910 --> 00:57:09.570
Michael Burke: And then convert that into polyethylene as far as minimums and maximums the maximum is said it kind of that hundred and 10 hundred and 20 ish.
00:57:10.020 --> 00:57:22.500
Michael Burke: And the minimum we do have what we call a turn down and that's what we view is you know the the safe minimal operating and that's about 40% of that maximum 40 50% of that Max operating rate.
00:57:24.270 --> 00:57:27.270
Michael Burke: So yeah I think that that maybe answers the question from not.
00:57:29.010 --> 00:57:44.580
Shannon Debes: Okay yeah that sounds good, and if it if it doesn't for the helpful viewer that had post that to us feel free to send us some information and we'll follow up with you, with an answer that may be even closer to what you're looking for they're.
00:57:45.750 --> 00:58:02.190
Shannon Debes: Also, I think this question goes to you, Michael You said the railroad cars or wash between product and that the water is recycled, but what happens to the water after it becomes potentially contaminated for reuse, where does the contaminated water go.
00:58:03.270 --> 00:58:08.310
Michael Burke: yeah so so contamination is an interesting question because it's predominantly used to wash polyethylene.
00:58:08.850 --> 00:58:16.590
Michael Burke: So what we do is the bulk of the water we separate off any remnant polyethylene debris or other debris that may be in the car and we recycle that.
00:58:16.950 --> 00:58:33.540
Michael Burke: Then, that that polyethylene debris which is wet is placed into a drying been in the water that's removed from that runs through our wastewater treatment facilities, where it's processed and then meets the permit requirements for discharge into the the Ohio river.
00:58:35.520 --> 00:58:36.240
Shannon Debes: Very good.
00:58:36.600 --> 00:58:39.600
Shannon Debes: And the last question that we have tonight.
00:58:40.020 --> 00:59:00.030
Shannon Debes: Is for Kim and Kim, the question is about operation clean sweep and it's noted that we didn't mention it this time, but have mentioned it in previous presentations can you share how operation clean sweep works on the site, as our site heads in toward operation.
00:59:01.800 --> 00:59:11.760
Kim Kaal: Sure operation clean sweep really starts out at the leadership level so it's it's incorporating the importance of the Program.
00:59:12.240 --> 00:59:21.810
Kim Kaal: In everybody that works there from leadership down and then it goes to production, for example, operating permit or.
00:59:22.560 --> 00:59:35.550
Kim Kaal: operating procedures, it goes to maintenance housekeeping procedures, etc, and then training people is a very important aspect of it, people need to know what the requirements are why why the.
00:59:36.150 --> 00:59:45.900
Kim Kaal: program is important, and of course polyethylene isn't a mark of marketable quantity, so it behooves us to collect it so that we can resell it.
00:59:46.770 --> 01:00:01.830
Kim Kaal: And so there, there are a lot of different layers to the program we have all taken the pledge, which means that we're all dedicated to doing everything that we can to keep polyethylene out of the environment and in it's a marketable state.
01:00:04.710 --> 01:00:08.790
Shannon Debes: Thank you so much, Kim hi no we're just about time for.
01:00:08.790 --> 01:00:15.360
Shannon Debes: This evening, if your question is not one of the questions that we got to this evening, we certainly will.
01:00:15.870 --> 01:00:22.080
Shannon Debes: answer your question online so know that as you're entering those questions in we are receiving them.
01:00:22.500 --> 01:00:26.700
Shannon Debes: We will answer them online, we invite you to go and look at the questions and answers.
01:00:27.090 --> 01:00:37.530
Shannon Debes: That perhaps you and certainly your neighbors have asked us about a variety of topics on site, and so our contact information is posted here for you.
01:00:37.950 --> 01:00:44.070
Shannon Debes: And we'll pause here for a moment, so you can take that in or certainly look back on it on the recording.
01:00:44.400 --> 01:00:54.900
Shannon Debes: And, as always, we thank you very much for taking the time to call us to email us to ask your questions and we really appreciated the opportunity to.
01:00:55.140 --> 01:01:10.860
Shannon Debes: share our site story with you tonight and to have the opportunity to talk with you, so thank you for taking the time out of your evening to join us and we hope to continue this dialogue and that you'll join us again have a wonderful evening.