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Accepting External Applications for Process Operators at Deer Park Chemicals.
Shell is currently accepting external applications for Process Operators at the Deer Park Chemicals site.
Step by step:
- Visit the job posting (direct link), or
- Visit the Shell Careers site at:
- Use the ‘Search for a Job’ function and enter in keywords (Operator, Deer Park, etc.) to search for the roles using the search function.
Candidates must complete and submit an on-line application form, together with an up-to-date resume. Paper resumes, personal emails, etc. will not be accepted. First-time users of the Shell system are required to validate their email. During the application process, candidates will answer questions that help us look at profiles and resumes in a structured way. After the application is submitted, an email is generated to inform the candidate it was successfully received. All candidate correspondence will be conducted electronically via the email they supply with their application.
The jobs will be posted until June 25 and those interested must apply within this window. For technical questions using the candidate portal, application process, etc. the candidate should email For all other inquiries, the candidate can email